Do we sound convincing? Ready to start living a Luxe Life of your very own? Here are Five Simple Steps to help you start you on your path to The Luxe Life of your dreams:
Take Stock. "If you found out you were dying would you continue living your life in exactly the same way?" If the answer is yes, then we say congratulations to you! We'd love to have you guest post so you can help the rest of us get to exactly where you are. Because, frankly, we think it's hard to live your life exactly the way you dream it in your head. You need to work (well, at least we do!) and you need to make compromises. You can also get caught up in the rat race, in doing what is expected or what is safe, so, at a certain point, we also believe that you need to step back and take stock. Why are you doing the things you're doing? Are you moving towards happiness or away from it?
The problem is, if you're going to live another hundred years--God willing--then it's really difficult to live like it's your last day on Earth. We plan, we worry, we put things away for a rainy day or that far off retirement. Not that you can't plan and life a Luxe Life. You just have to find a good balance. Sure, you might wish you could quit your job to run away to a far off island but that's not always a possibility. What is feasible is doing some soul searching to find out if your career is what you really want to be doing. No? Think about taking a chance on that dream job you've always wanted. Alternately, pick up a hobby that allows you to include your passions into your day to day. Most of us don't have the luxury of abandoning the lives we have for the lives we dream of, but we can start making small changes to push us in the right direction.
Make Some Changes. While Step One is all about looking at the life you have and visualizing the life you want, Step Two is about getting off your butt and doing something about it. Are you a planner? No problem. Make a list, a graph, a spreadsheet. Whatever works for you. Set some goals, put down on paper where you want to be in six months, a year, five years. Make your goals realistic and detailed. And make sure you're not just looking at what you want but how you plan on getting there.
Then start making the small first changes that will start you on the path to your new life. If that means getting a new hair cut to give yourself a confidence infusion or signing up for a course to learn something you've always wanted to know, actually taking action can really change your whole outlook. And remember, a Luxe Lady always chooses to be brave.
Get Organized. Nothing zaps energy or morale more than knowing you have a hundred things to do and time to do five. Or coming home to a house that's upside down and a closet that's spilling out. Take some time to pair down the stuff you have, choosing the quality items that you really want and need. Spend a weekend getting your paperwork and belongings in order. If you find yourself procrastinating try tackling one task at a time. Completing a small goal will give you a sense of accomplishment that will spur you on to finish the others.
Indulge. Whatever your budget, stop and take the time to enjoy the things in life that really make you smile. Treat yourself to a mani-pedi, a night out with friends or a new frock. Or forget about the housework and enjoy a night of movies and cuddling instead. Surrounding yourself with the people and things you love will serve as inspiration for your end goal--the Luxe Life you've always wanted.
Be Happy. You might be thinking that this is a bogus step. You can't just choose to be happy, especially if you're miserable. Right? Wrong. We firmly believe that carving out a Luxe Life for yourself is all about choosing to appreciate and enjoy the things you've got going for you. Sure, we're all about making goals and achieving dreams, but if you don't stop to look at the great things in your life now you'll find that you're always reaching and never enjoying--and there ain't anything Luxe about that.
So there you have it, Five Simple Steps to starting your journey to your very own Luxe Life. Eventually we'll be tackling these steps in depth and looking at other, more concrete ways, you can bring happiness and exquisite things into your life.
What do you think about our Steps? Realistic? Will you be trying them out?
{Images: WeHeartIt}
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